Wild Animals
Last week we learned about animals that live on the farm, this week we learned about animals that live in the wild. The zoo was a perfect place for us to explore, because some animals are wild and it would not be safe for us to be in the same area. We learned about the animals that belong to the cat family. Particularly about the lion, tiger, and house cat. Using the terms similarities and differences we learned new information about the cats. Lions, have a mane of hair and like to stay with their families, it's called a pride. A baby lion is called a cub, so is a tiger. The tiger likes to be on his own, and the house cat lives with people. All animals from the cat family have great vision, a strong tongue to help keep their fur clean and whiskers to help them detect things. They are also all carnivores, which means they eat meat; unlike most animals on the farm which eat food grown from the ground also known as herbivores. The next day we explored the world of reptiles. Reptiles are animals that don't have any fur and their babies hatch from eggs. The snake slithers on his belly and has scaly skin. What a wonderful world of different types of animals Hashem created! On our Kids Speak wall we each told Morah what our favorite animal is.
This week we learned the second letter of the Alef Bet, Bet. Bet has a twin Vet, Vet does not have button inside his belly. We learned that the sound Bet starts with 'bbb' and Vet is 'vvv'. We practiced sounding out the beginning of all the Nursery friends' names. Bayit is the Hebrew word we learned that starts with Bet.
D is for Dentist
Dentist Dini came in this week to tell our friends how to keep our teeth healthy. The nursery told the dentist different important jobs teeth do - biting and chewing food. The molars are all the way at the back and are the strongest teeth. We have 24 teeth when we are young and have 32 permanent teeth as adults. The top part of a tooth is called a crown and the part inside is a root. It’s important to keep our teeth clean to avoid getting cavities. Brushing and flossing help keep the germs out. We colored a large yellow tooth to whiten it to brush away the plaque! Come check out our ‘Whose teeth are these?’ bulletin board.
Fun Photos of the Week
Have a wonderful weekend and Shabbat Shalom!
This week Galia became a big sister, and her baby brother's name is Lev.
MAZAL TOV Jundef family!
Shabbat Candle lighting time is 4:29.
Please continue to send in Mitzvah Notes and Tzedaka.
Your child's rest time bag was sent home, please wash it over the weekend and send it back to school on Monday.
And don't forget to check you mailboxes a special invitation is coming your way!
Morah Mushka, Gitti, and Dini
Morah Mushka, Gitti, and Dini
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