Saturday, October 3, 2015

Sukkot and Simchat Torah

Dear Parents,
Firstly thank you for sending in Mitzvah notes and Tzedaka in daily, please continue! What an exciting few days we had here in Chai Tots. We learned about the special Mitzvah of Lulav and Etrog. Using our new skill set of scissor cutting and holding, we cut our very own mini Lulav and Etrog set. Shaking a real set was lots of fun too! It was great getting to see some of you at the Sukkot party after school. We learned about Simchat Torah, the holiday where we finish reading the whole Torah. We each chose our own color flag, decorated it, and danced with the Torah and all of our friends it was great! Morah asked us what was inside the Torah, and the Nursery friends asked if we could open our class Torah and find out. Treating the Torah respectfully, we carefully took the Torah out of the Aron Kodesh, took off its dress and then opened it up, there were lots and lots of Alef Bet letters. Our Hebrew names were introduced to us this week and we can't wait to practice spelling it daily!
Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach!
Shabbat Candle Lighting Time 6:19
Morah Mushkah, Gitti and Dini

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