Friday, October 23, 2015

B and Autumn and Creation

We continued this week's theme learning about the fruits and vegetables of this season, where birds go when it gets too cold and what squirrels do for food in the winter. There are four seasons and each season has its special fruits and veggies that are available to eat. Apples are always a fun fruit to explore. We named the its different parts: the peel, seeds and core. We tasted some red and green apples, and they were delicious! After learning about how we keep warm during fall, we spoke about different animals and how they keep warm during fall and prepare for winter. Birds migrate, that means they go from north to south, but don't worry they'll come back in spring time to build nests and lay some eggs! Using markers we connected the dots from north to south, and enjoyed color coordinating our birds' feathers! Hashem created each animal differently, so when Morah asked the Nursery friends if the squirrels can migrate too and fly with the birds, the friends told Morah that she's being silly because squirrels don't have wings! We learned that some animals can live in cold weather and they prepare differently. Squirrels gather acorns and hide them for winter. We played a squirrel counting game, each squirrel required a different amount of acorns depending on the number on its tummy. Throughout the week we've been working on our fall art projects, they will be sent home on Friday, enjoy!


Last week we began learning the first story in the Torah, the creation of the world. Morah taught us a song about each day and its Hebrew name. The first day is called Yom Rishon, the second day Yom Sheini, the third day is Yom Shilishi, the fourth day is Yom Rivii, the fifth day is Yom Chamishi, the sixth day is Yom Shishi and the seventh day is called Shabbat. On Shabbat Hashem rested, and therefore we do too.

Free play impromptu singing!
Music and Movement with Morah Jam

B is for Bear
Did you know that there are 8 different types of bears? Just like people, no two bears are the same but they do have similarities. Most bears have fur as a coat to keep them warm. They all have 
paws with sharp claws. Their claws act like forks when they need to eat, and help them climb up trees to reach a hive filled with honey. The nose and mouth on the face of a bear is called a snout. A bear’s nose helps it find food and sense danger. A mama bear is very protective of her babies. Baby bears are called cubs. If she feels that they are being threatened by other animals or people she will stand up on her two hind feet, which makes her look tall and frightening. We pretended to be like bears with a fun song called, ‘We’re going on a bear hunt”. Bears prepare for winter too, all fall long they fill up their tummy with food and then they go to sleep in their den. It is called hibernation. We have been practicing writing the letter B, using the chant “line up, and a bump, bump”. We decorated letter B with black and blue paper creating a pattern.

Have a wonderful weekend and Shabbat Shalom!
This week we welcomed a new friend to our class her name is Shylie!
Shabbat Candle lighting time is 5:46
Please continue to send in Mitzvah Notes and Tzedaka.
Your child's rest time bag was sent home, please wash it over the weekend and send it back to school on Monday.
And don't forget to send your child to school with their orange Chai Tots t-shirts and bagged lunches. Thank you!
Morah Mushka, Gitti, and Dini

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