Dear Parents,
Have a wonderful weekend, vacation and Shabbat Shalom!
Shabbat Candle lighting time is 5:08
Please continue to send in Mitzvah Notes and Tzedaka. Our Mitzvah Tree is growing beautifully, thank you so much for helping to make it grow!
Your child's rest time bag was sent home, please wash it over vacation and send it back when school resumes.
Morah Mushka, Gitti, and Dini
5 Senses
Morah Mushka, Gitti, and Dini
This week we continued learning from the very informative Mr. Potato Head. We started with the sense of taste. Our tongue tastes 4 different tastes: sweet, salty, bitter, and sour. We tasted one from each group and remembered to say "it's not my taste" when something wasn't to our liking. Next we learned about the sense of smell. Morah prepared a paper with different spices glued on, we
scratched the surface of the paper and smelled the scents. Lastly we learned about the sense of touch. Our skin covers our whole body and can feel from our heads all the way to our toes. Our discovery center has different textures that we felt and they were all different. When we get back from vacation we will be exploring the world of shapes!
We use our tongues to taste!
Cutting out lips for Mr. Potato Head
We use our tongues to taste!
Cutting out lips for Mr. Potato Head
Scratch and Sniff
Mr. Potato Head
Chet is for Challah Chumah (Brown Challah)
We are up to the letter Chet, the 8th letter in the Alef Bet! This week we prepared our Challah dough on Thursday after learning that Challah and Chum (brown) both start with the letter Chet.P is for Penguin
The biggest penguin is called an Emperor. It is about the same height as some of the friends in our class! The Penguin is a bird that can not fly. It is however, a superb swimmer. It lives in very cold place where there is lots of ice. The penguin Mommy lays her egg and gives it to the Daddy to watch over. He does not hold it or put it in a nest (like most other birds) he guards it and puts it in between his two feet. When the penguins are together they look alike and seemingly can get lost, but their voice is like their name tag and Mom and Dad can find them. Penguins waddle, to see what they look like we each had a balloon and put it in between our legs. We waddled throughout the school and giggled the whole way. We were quite an adorable sight! Tracing our feet we created cute little penguins with white tummies.
P writing and decorating
Learning about where the Daddy penguin holds the egg
Tracing feet for our penguin art
Great Teamwork!
Cutting out ovals for the penguin's white tummy!
Holding our penguin egg super carefully...
PJ Show and Tell!
P writing and decorating
Learning about Penguins and how their feathers' are waxy and keep water out!
Learning about where the Daddy penguin holds the egg
Tracing feet for our penguin art
Great Teamwork!
Cutting out ovals for the penguin's white tummy!
Holding our penguin egg super carefully...
Waddling with our eggs all around Chai Tots!!
PJ Show and Tell!
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