Friday, May 6, 2016

W and Spring

Dear Parents,
Shabbat Candle lighting time is 7:39
 Please continue to send in Mitzvah Notes and Tzedaka. 
Our Mitzvah Tree is growing beautifully,
 Thank you so much for helping to make it grow!  
Have a wonderful weekend and Shabbat Shalom!


Morah Mushka, Gitti, and Dini


It was great to see everyone Monday after our Pesach break! Spring means rain and sunshine and this week we definitely experienced a lot more rain! Morah asked the Nursery friends what comes to mind when they hear the word Spring. We came up with a pretty clear picture: rain, clouds, ladybugs, butterflies, buds, trees... The next day the Nursery friends dictated how we should decorate our bulletin board and.... come visit to see how beautiful it is! We already know the different parts of a tree, and this week we learned the different parts of a Perach - flower in Hebrew. Roots, stem, sepal and petals. Another Hebrew word we reviewed this week was Aviv- which means Spring.

Making trees with cherry blossoms on it using our arms to trace as the trees!

Our gardeners

Spring manipulative counting game. First choose a number tile, then using a tweezer pick up the corresponding amount of pompoms to create a mini flower patch! 

Learning about the different parts to a flower!

Spring bulletin board as directed by the Nursery friends!

From Pesach we count 7 weeks to a special holiday called Shavuot. On Shavuot, Hashem gave us a present many, many years ago called the Torah. It was given on a special mountain called Har Sinai. In the Nursery we created an abacus to help count toward this exciting holiday!

W is for Whales

This week we learned about whales. There are many different kinds of whales. Humpback, orcas and the big blue are just few to name. All whales are mammals. That means they breathe oxygen, and they don't lay eggs. There are two kinds of whales. Toothed and baleen. Toothed whales have teeth and chew their food. Baleen whales are giant whales and open their mouths wide, swallow lots of food and water seeps out of their 'look like teeth' and fish stay inside. The baleen whales have two blowholes side by side and toothed whales have one. The blowholes on a whale is like the nose of a person, it is where they breathe in oxygen. In order to do so they rise above the water, open their
blowhole breathe in, dive back in and close their blowhole. They can hold their breath for a long time. We enjoyed reading books about whales and making different whale art with all sorts of art media.

Jacob's Birthday!


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