Sunday, May 29, 2016

Z and Sea Life

Dear Parents,
 Please continue to send in Mitzvah Notes and Tzedaka. 
Our Mitzvah Tree is growing beautifully,
 Thank you so much for helping to make it grow!
Your child's rest time bag was sent home,
Please wash it over the weekend and send it back on Tuesday.
Have a wonderful weekend and Shabbat Shalom!

Sea Life

The ocean is one of the most incredible places on our planet. It is a home for many sea life creatures. This week we continued learning about the ocean. There are some plant-look-alike creatures that live on the ocean floor called coral. Coral is made up of lots of singular pieces called polyp. Using clay we decorated our ocean art by spreading out the clay with our finger tips. Enjoy our ocean art! ‘Lag BaOmer’ is a special day in the Jewish calendar. It celebrates an important mitzvah in the Torah ‘Ahavat Yisroel’, which means to love your fellow Jew. We celebrated Lag BaOmer in the park with all the Chai Tots friends, it was great!


Z is for Zebra

This week Nursery reached a big mile stone. After much time and lots of letters, we finally reached the last alphabet! The animal that we learned about this week has lots of similarities to the horse. Using a Venn Diagram we compared and contrasted the zebra and the horse. The zebra has stripes , a bushy mane, and lives in the grasslands. The horse is usually a solid color, has a longer mane, and lives on the farm. The zebra is shorter than the horse. The zebra’s stripes are like peoples' finger prints - no two are the same. Even though they look very similar they each have a unique pattern. We created our very own zebra. Next week will be ABC party week!

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