Friday, April 15, 2016


Dear Parents,
Shabbat Candle lighting time is 7:18
Next week Wednesday we will be having a Model Seder in class!
 Please continue to send in Mitzvah Notes and Tzedaka. 
Our Mitzvah Tree is growing beautifully,
 Thank you so much for helping to make it grow!   
Have a wonderful weekend and Shabbat Shalom!
Morah Mushka, Gitti, and Dini


It has been such an exciting week here in the Nursery class! We have been preparing for the upcoming holiday of Pesach. We learned the story about Pesach and how Hashem saved us from wicked King Paroh. We also learned all about how to prepare for the Pesach Seder, the special Pesach meal. We do lots of things throughout the meal to remind us of our slavery and how Hashem saved us. This holiday is the one to ask lots of questions and boy have we been practicing our 4 questions- the Mah Nishtana? We can't wait to sing it to you on Pesach!

Searching for the Chametz in our class! 

Our Trip to the Jewish Children's Museum 

Model Matza Bakery! 



Shabbat Ima Sivan