Friday, March 11, 2016

S and Shapes


Dear Parents,
Shabbat Candle lighting time is 5:41
 Please continue to send in Mitzvah Notes and Tzedaka. 
Our Mitzvah Tree is growing beautifully,
 Thank you so much for helping to make it grow!   
Have a wonderful weekend and Shabbat Shalom!
Morah Mushka, Gitti, and Dini


Continuing on our previous theme we learned how to work with different shapes to build a town called Shushan. We are preparing a castle with bricks that we decorated with different shaped stickers. Using different sized blocks to create the right shape, we traced and then cut out the shapes to create the perfect size! Next week we will be learning all about the Purim story and getting ready for this fun filled holiday!

Scrunching magazine papers into a ball shape!

Shape tracing

S is for Space

This week we began to learn about the incredible world outside of our own! Our world is in this great big place called the Universe. In the universe there are many galaxies. The galaxy our world is in, is called the Milky Way. We are part of the Solar System. The center of the solar system is the sun. There are 8 planets that go around the sun at different speeds. There was one more but it was decided that it is too small to be called a planet and is now called a ‘dwarf planet’. Orbit is a new word in our vocabulary, it means to go around. We will continue learning about Space next week, ’S’ is the only letter we will be doing for two weeks!

Painting our SPACE background (it'll be ready next week :)

Space puzzle

Fun Photos from the Week!

Making room for the new wall... coming soon

Shabbat Abba Isaak!

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