Friday, January 29, 2016

N and Tu B'Shvat/Health/Food

Tu B’Shvat

What a fun-filled day we had starting this week, happy birthday dear trees! Singing Tu B’Shvat songs, making fruit kabobs, decorating crowns and creating a school tree were all a lot of fun! And let’s not forget the special school gathering sing-along!

Health and Food

Last week we discussed the fruits and vegetables groups of the food diagram, this week we learned about the protein and grains. Protein comes in different forms mainly from animals; grains comes from the farm too, from wheat stalks that are then ground into flour. We read a book called How Did That Get In My Lunchbox? (by Chris Butterworth), telling us where all the different foods from our lunch box come from!

N is for Nest

There are many different animals in this world. They all have different homes to live in. The bird is no exception. Their home is called a nest. They don’t live there all the time. It is a home for their eggs. During the spring time birds create nests. They use tools that are around. Birds from the jungle will use branches, twigs, leaves, and mud. Birds from the city will use what they can, for example twigs and shoelaces! All birds have beaks and feathers. Not all birds can fly. The ostrich is too big to fly and also lays very big eggs, it’s size is bigger than a Morah’s hand. The babies hatch from their eggs and the Mom stays and watches them. The Dad gets them food. The birds are born without feathers and after a few weeks the birds have feathers and are ready to explore the world around them. We created nests and like the birds from the city, we used what was around from the kitchen (cereal, marshmallow fluff and mini marshmallows) it was a delicious nest treat!

Fun Photos from the week!

Dear Parents,
Have a wonderful weekend and Shabbat Shalom!
Shabbat Candle lighting time is 4:51 Please continue to send in Mitzvah Notes and Tzedaka. Our Mitzvah Tree is growing beautifully, thank you so much for helping to make it grow!  
Please email me any winter pictures of your children this season (playing in the snow, drinking hot cocoa etc) at
Morah Mushka, Gitti, and Dini

Friday, January 22, 2016

M and Health and Food

Health and Nutrition

There are so many different foods in this world,  but which foods are  healthy for our bodies? What foods  help our bodies grow into big boys and girls?
 Morah explained that there are five different  categories of foods. , and we eat different amounts from each food group. This week we learned all about  fruits and vegetables.
 In Hebrew tree is ‘etz’ and earth is ‘adama’. When making a blessing on our fruits and veggies we use those words in the bracha!
We decorated our ‘Health Book’ pages with fruit and vegetable cut outs and tracers. 

Tu B’Shvat

Next Monday is a special birthday and the whole school will be celebrating. 
Whose birthday is it? The trees! We learned that just like the trees start small and grow strong with branches and leaves , the same is true with people
. We grow and learn to do good deeds and be kind and strong. 

M is for Music

This week we explored the world of music for the letter M. First we looked at a book from our library and Morah asked the friends how she is able to read. "Because of the a,b,c letters!" the Nursery friends all shouted out. Morah then pulled out a sheet of music and asked the friends if they could read it. The notes did not look like any a,b,c or alef, bet letters. The letters are called musical notes. Musicians use the notes to help them play their instruments. We each had a turn taking a different instrument from the music bucket and played along with a song from the ipod. It was fun trying to stay on beat with the song!

Fun photos from the week and last Friday!

Dear Parents,
Have a wonderful weekend and Shabbat Shalom!
Shabbat Candle lighting time is 4:43
Please continue to send in Mitzvah Notes and Tzedaka.
Our Mitzvah tree is growing beautifully, thank you parents! 
Morah Mushka, Gitti, and Dini